Sunday, August 7, 2011

What If God Never Existed...

What if God never existed? What if, throughout history, there was never a mention of the presence of the Lord Father anywhere, would total chaos reign this world? Would life be any different then it is now? Would there be more wars and destruction, more pain and suffering, Would there be more Jersey shore television show? Would we still kill each other more or less for a bag of potato chips, a pair of Nike shoes or for looking at someone the wrong way? “What if Jehovah was really man made?”

It’s funny, I once asked my best friend who is a die hard christian living fanatic, someone who read 200,000,000 times the bible cover to cover before she even read the adventures of Tintin, if she believed in extraterrestrial beings. Without hesitation she told me: “No (period)”. Armed with a A+ journalistic school degree under my belt, I continued our conversation with a genuine puzzled look on my face and asked her: “Why don’t you believe E.T. phoned home?” Again with no hesitation like she had answered the same questions many times before in her sleep, she replied: “I don’t believe in those green walking ugly antenna slimy things because I have never seen one in person. It’s all make believe from the movie productions power house in Hollywood to make a shameless quick buck.” Without taking a single breath or loosing my gaze she continued: “The day I meet one in the flesh will be the day I become a believer, I can’t say 200% they never or don’t exist since I don't time traveled beyond my bed, my car, my work and back to my bed. But as far as I am concerned, my eyes have never met one, it’s only fairy tale to make $$$.”

“Hmmmm!” I replied with a smile, “But, you believe in the Almighty, right?” “Have you seen him in the flesh to have become such a die hard believer?” “If it's not for power and its religious billion industry greed that manipulates the weaker through fear for man's own political agenda and to make $$$ out of its faithful believers, would religion and God still exist?” “Isn’t the bible man made and printed in China?” “The Pope is likely sitting on a mountain of cash and property assets, yet he ask you to share your hard earn paycheck, because he want you to believe God exist?“ “You firmly don’t believe in E.T. because it’s fairy tale from a man in Hollywood, yet you  believe in the Creator from a same mortal man standing and preaching at the alter, right?”

Silence is golden. No need to write here my friend’s reply because if I did I wouldn’t call myself her best friend. What I am saying, dear reading fans, is that with the notion of God’s existence in our lives, we still kill each other for nonsense, we continue to hate each other for our skin color, dialect and cultural background, we continue to blame politicians and shady businessmen for our sufferance, we personally strive for a dollar and a dream to provide for our family yet in 10 years this family wouldn’t have a planet to live in. We nurse evil within yet we point blaming fingers at our borders for our misfortune. 

WE MUST STOP GOING TO CHURCH AND “BE” THE CHURCH. In order words, “BE” the government you want your country to rule your country, “BE” the best man/woman you can be in your own home. “BE” kind, flexible, patient and understanding to yourself the way you wish others would be with you. “BE” able to reject deadly sins and evil temptations.  “BE” in love with yourself (first) before sharing yourself with someone else. "BE"...

Most importantly, “BE YOU, be yourself”. What if? what if every one who read this posting blog all over the world was “ABLE” to close their eyes and breath love and peace. Improved their lives for themselves and found true happiness within, would we still need God’s Armageddon fear to save or guide us? 

Amen (period).

-- Louis Mercier

PS: As for me, I take time to just breathe. Hope you can join me;)

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