Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dare To Live Your Dreams

"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve"

-- Napoleon Hill

With courage gently folded in my back pocket, a smile curled on my lips and excitements running through the veins of my legs, I found my way to a meeting located downtown this afternoon. I must say: "It feels good to dream and conceive ideas in my head". That same feeling is even greater when I see myself extending my comfort level and daring myself to try something new. Instead of being overcome by inner fear, today, I chose to thrive to new heights like the Casey Kasem's signature sign-off would say: "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."

If you can, picture in your mind a parent seeing their new born taking five consecutive steps without falling for the first time. Picture a scientist finally discovering the cure for AIDS. Picture yourself finding and embracing your true love. Or picture an Olympian, against all odds, winning a goal medal while breaking the world record after ten years of practicing the same routine. Now in your mind, try to picture Louis Mercier. Picture me applying actions to having my own television show. No words can actually express how I felt today even if the new journey will be very long from concept to the screen. However, all I can say signing off: "One more step forward and "*&^%$#@! ;) Fear!"

"The path to success, in whatever form you wish to create it, requires a blend of faith, commitment, discipline, and consistency which help you to thrive to new heights."

-- Natasha Dern - Thoughts on thriving.

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